Saturday, July 16, 2011

FAKTA YG DISEMBUNYIKAN!!! 37 Ribu Tentera "Merah" Menenggelamkan BeerShit 2.0!!! YNWA!!!

Menurut laporan, seramai lebih kurang 37 ribu "tentera merah" telah membanjiri sessi latihan The Reds semalam.  

Walaupun tanpa kehadiran beberapa pemain utama seperti Steven Gerard, Pepe Reina dan beberapa lagi, namun ia tetap tidak memudarkan semangat The Kops untuk turun melihat pasukan yang penuh dengan tradisi dan sejarah ini. 

GT tidak berkesempatan untuk hadir petang ini, kerana perlu terbang ke Liverpool bersama-sama King Kenny untuk menguruskan pembelian Stewart Downing.  

Jangan lupa petang ini jam 5.   Kirim salam kat awek2 paling cute yg pakai jersey Liverpool!

Kepada semua peminat Liverpool:  

When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of the storm
There's a golden star (sky)
And the sweet silver song of a lark

Walk on...
Through the rain...
Walk on...
Through the rain
Walk through the wind
And your dreams be tossed and blown...

Walk on... (walk on)
Walk on... (walk on)
With hope (with hope)
In your heart...
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone.

Walk on... (walk on)
Walk on... (walk on)
With hope (with hope)
In your heart...
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone.

You'll never...
You'll never walk alone...

Walk on... (walk on)
Walk on... (walk on)
With hope (with hope)
In your heart...
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone.

You'll never walk...
You'll never walk alone...

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Kepada yang "Anonymous", sila tinggal nama glamer dibawah komen anda. DAP beromen, Pas tanggung, berani komen, sendiri tanggung...hehehehe.. Terima kasih!!